This extraordinary movie, originally created in 2010 by Avaiya Media, became an instant Amazon Bestseller. The film not only interviewed teachers, but students in the Course in Miracles community. Even though the film was considered a success, there were many elements that filmmaker Ike Allen was not happy with. Three years after the initial release, he has Re-Imagined the entire film. Furthermore, he has added the interviews of Jon Mundy and David Hoffmeister to an already power packed list of Course teachers including Dr. Kenneth Wapnick and Gary Renard.
An added element is that Avaiya Media co-founder, Ashley "Ande" Anderson narrates the film. She shares her own personal journey of applying principles from the Course in order to help her understand deep issues like how the ego uses special relationships. Ande's authentic and vulnerable honesty greatly enhances the remade movie and provides clear examples of the power of the Course.
Here is a link to watch the trailer.